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Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Flood History

澳门正规网赌网址大全有因降雨事件和风暴潮事件而引发洪水的历史. 以下是澳门正规网赌网址大全居民向国家洪水保险计划提交洪水保险索赔的日期列表. 以下数字中反映的美元数字包括对县基础设施的破坏, 以及对房屋和企业的破坏.​

Sep 2017 - ​Hurricane Irma

​Oct 2005 - Hurricane Wilma

Aug 2004 -​ Hurricane Charley
Estimated $5.这场强大的四级飓风袭击了澳门正规网赌网址大全并沿港口向德索托县移动,造成了40亿美元的私人和公共资源损失.

June 2003 - Excessive Rainfall
在24小时内,整个县的降雨量在16到20英寸之间. Approximately $4.公共基础设施损失达700万美元. 41个居住单位受到影响,估计损失达5万美元.

热带风暴的直接袭击导致Shoreview大道和Gulf大道沿线大范围洪水泛滥. 蓬塔戈尔达市也发生了严重的洪水. 超过300个家庭受到轻度至中度洪水的影响. 据估计,基础设施、住宅和企业的损失在400万至600万美元之间.​

Sept 2000 - ​Hurricane Gordon
飓风在马纳索塔礁岛沿岸的肖维尤大道和海湾大道引发了洪水. 其他地区包括蓬塔戈尔达的和平河沿岸地区. 洪水保险索赔总额超过132,584美元.02.

经过的热带风暴导致沿Shoreview大道和Gulf大道的马纳索塔礁岛地区发生洪水. 一些房屋发生了轻微的洪水. 洪水保险索赔总额超过21,592美元.40.

经过的飓风造成了异常高的海浪, 造成海滩侵蚀并威胁到一些房屋, putting water in a few on Manasota Key; flood insurance claims of $3558.50.

​Sept 1997 - ​Excessive Rainfall
Up to 10" of rain fell in Port Charlotte causing widespread street flooding in Charlotte County; some houses sustained water damage; $15,846.洪水保险索赔额达到了79亿美元.

Some street flooding occurred, Englewood experienced some flooding from high tide; high tide eroded beach and caused one home to fall into the water; $253,631.39亿美元的洪水保险理赔得到了支付.

​Mar 1993 - Winter Rain Storm
Flooding caused by high tides coupled with blowing winds; flood insurance claims of $383,008.69 were paid out.

23.5" of rain fell in Murdock, 18" fell in Punta Gorda, and 28" fell in Englewood; approx. $1,600,000 in damages was reported.

​Nov 1988 - ​Tropical Storm Keith
Approximately 2" of rain fell in Charlotte County; flooding occurred in Punta Gorda and other low-lying areas due to high tides coupled with a minimal storm surge. 洪水保险索赔224 384美元.60 were paid out.

Homes in Grove City suffered damages from flooding, none of which were uninsured; 11.恩格尔伍德的降雨量为5英寸,降雨量为7英寸.5" in Punta Gorda and 4.5" in Port Charlotte. Flood insurance claims of $1,066.51.

风暴潮在一些地区引发了高达5英尺的洪水. Flood insurance claims of $161,356.46 were paid out.

Mar 1983 - ​Abnormal High Tide
洪水发生在蓬塔戈尔达市. Flood insurance claims of $7,967.89 were paid out.

​Jun 1982 - No-Name Storm
Several inches of rainfall along with a minimal, but damaging storm surge; approx. 10,965 acres of land flooded with salt water; approximately 1800 acres of land flooded with fresh water rain runoff; damage estimates approx. $1,000,000.

5"-7" rainfall in Charlotte County; caused flooding of 3"-6" in parts of County; damages approx. $62,105.

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